Postnatal Physiotherapy at Flow Pelvic Physio
Postnatal care includes a comprehensive assessment and management plan to facilitate your recovery, reduce any symptoms of pain or pelvic floor dysfunction and allow a safe return to exercise after having your baby.
Conditions/concerns include:
Pelvic Floor symptoms such as bladder and bowel leakage, urgency, prolapse symptoms, return to intimacy, perineum pain
Diastasis Recti i.e ‘abdominal separation’ and ‘weak core’
Breastfeeding concerns
Return to exercise in the postpartum stages
Return to running and high intensity training guidelines
Postural related pain such as neck pain, shoulder pain
Hand and wrist issues such as ‘mum thumb’

Recommended appointments
If you have any pelvic health concerns in the postnatal period, we recommend booking an appointment as soon as you are able. If you do not have any current concerns we recommend a review at 3-6 postnatal.
If you are specifically seeking a pelvic floor assessment please book this for 6 weeks postnatal.
If you would like to attend for return to exercise, core strengthening, abdominal separation and doming (DRAM) management, or back/hip/pelvic pain, please book this appointment from 3-4 weeks postnatal.
Greater than 3 months postnatal? Don’t worry, it is never too late for a postnatal check!