Endometriosis & the pelvic pain cycle

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. This month we aim to raise awareness of this condition, one which has traditionally being poorly understood, under researched & underfunded.

Endo is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (womb) grows in other parts of the body.

  • In Australia, 1 in 7 women assigned female at birth, will be affected by endometriosis by age 49.

  • Reproductive organs are primary affected however is often found in other areas such as the bladder & bowel as well as being more widespread including the skin, joints, lungs & brain.

  • Symptoms are varied making diagnosis extremely difficult and often delayed, averaging 6.75 years.

Endo & Pelvic Pain

The pelvic pain cycle can be extremely unpredictable, debilitating and at times isolating.

During a flare, it is often not only the endo that causing some the trouble, but the body's natural protective mechanism, causing everything to ramp up, thereby increasing the pain experience.

Endometriosis - Flow Pelvic Physio

How to get help

The good news is that you are not alone and Pelvic Health physiotherapy can help.

At Flow Pelvic Physio, Endo management is holistic meaning we look at your whole body and may include;

  • Manual therapy (hands on treatment) to focus on reducing muscular tension in pelvis

  • Pelvic floor muscle relaxation training

  • Pelvic stretches and mobility exercises

  • Strategies to calm your nervous system

  • Pain relief modalities such as TENS machines, heat packs

  • Natural therapies

  • Mindfulness and meditation

  • Pain education

  • Appropriate exercise

Additional help & resources

Your GP and/or Gynaecologist is an excellent contact point who can provide further information regarding appropriate referral and diagnosis.

For more information, the following sites and organisations have some excellent resources

  • Endometriosis Australia

  • Pelvic Pain Victoria

  • Jean Hailes

***Disclaimer: Blog is for general education only, please seek an individualised assessment and treatment plan with a pelvic health physio.


Habits for a happy pelvis this holiday season.